
Adva Shaviv
PhD, ADHD, :-D

✨ Living with ADHD can be a magical wonderland; sometimes charming, sometimes dark. This is the inspiration for the cozy ADHD fantasy I write: sparkling fantasy which takes place inside the mind of someone you know. Possibly love. Maybe, yourself. ✨

ADHD from the womb, I impulsively burst into the world a month too soon, hyperactively wrapping the umbilical cord twice around my neck on my way out. Oh, the thrill of living on the edge!

However, despite spending the next few decades forgetting all my things, whatever I was doing and everything you told me, I was only formally diagnosed at age 37.

I finally learned my spacey over-enthusiasm had a name. I also noticed I managed quite a lot despite it, or was it through it? – I fail to perform the obvious, but shine in the unique. While others smoothly move from A to B, I lose my way, but get to M, A, G, I and C instead.

I’ve led several lives while trying (and failing) to squeeze my thorny edges into the neat square box society has made for me. Among other things, I'm a philosophy PhD, who’ve taught young and old before seizing the best of opportunities – homeschooling my three kids (+ two rescue dogs + two rescue cats).

Kids all grown up, I now plan to self-publish my book in [insert random deadline – which I’m bound to miss – here].

For readers with ADHD, ADventures Heading up and Down – my novel-in-writing – is a magical mirror into their lives; for other readers, a bewitching glimpse into life with ADHD.

My shorter story Distracted Magic, a prequel to the book, is available for free to my readers’ club members. Join it here!

Anything you’d like to say or ask? –

Love to hear from you and thanks for stopping by,